
VIP Day Application

Thank you for your interest in holding a VIP Day with me! By investing in yourself for a full day and beyond, based on which option you select, you will walk away with clarity and a 90-day plan created to grow your business faster than you could on your own.

This Assessment requests information that will help me help you during our complimentary application discovery call via phone or zoom.

Once the form is completed, you will receive access to my calendar to schedule our quality time together. I look forward to visiting with you soon!


To Your Holistic Wealth, Health & Success~

Blessed Regards, 

Lisa M. Randolph

Your Kaizen Coach

Click the button below to start.


Question 1 of 12

In the following box include your first/last name, telephone number and email address.

Question 2 of 12

What is your current or most recent position/job? 

Question 3 of 12

Describe your educational background.

Question 4 of 12

What PERSONAL goals and objectives would you like to accomplish?

Question 5 of 12

What BUSINESS goals and objectives would you like to accomplish?

Question 6 of 12

What have you done so far to work towards accomplishing your personal/business goals or objectives and how long have you been working on them?

Question 7 of 12

How do you see coaching services fitting into your plan?

Question 8 of 12

What areas do you consider to be your strengths and where do you feel you need the most improvement?

Question 9 of 12

How do you learn best?

(Select all that apply)






Question 10 of 12

To what extent does your family (significant other) support your efforts in this endeavor?


Completely supportive


Somewhat supportive




Not supportive



Question 11 of 12

Do you consider yourself to be in good health? How do you combat stress?

Question 12 of 12

What else do you think would be beneficial for me to know prior to our meeting?

Confirm and Submit