
Legacy Book Writers Mastermind Questionnaire

To get the Mastermind off to a strong start, please respond to the following questions. We will use your responses to customize the Mastermind experience to best meet your needs.

Click the button below to start.


Question 1 of 7

How long have you been thinking about writing a book or working on writing one? 

Question 2 of 7

Have you ever participated in a writers group before? If so what did you like about the group or what do you feel was missing?

Question 3 of 7

What is it about the Legacy Book Writers Mastermind program that's appealing to you, whether your a veteran or aspiring writer? 

Question 4 of 7

Why are you writing or wanting to write a book? What's the desired outcome (results)?

Question 5 of 7

Is your book nonfiction or fiction?





Question 6 of 7

Who is your target audience?

Question 7 of 7

The other women in the Mastermind will need your support and encouragement to make it to the finish line with completing their books. Are you up for the challenge of being present and engaging every month?





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