About Us

"To live your purpose is to truly and fully experience life.
To think about living your purpose is to just simply exist."
--Lisa M. Randolph


Hello and Welcome! I'm Lisa Randolph the CEO and Founder of Kaizen Endeavors, Inc., which comprises subsidiaries created to fulfill the mission of "enhancing the lives of people and the planet through business".

I am a native of Tulsa, Oklahoma where I attended and graduated from Booker T. Washington High School. My personal mission is: to assist others in recognizing their true value and through collaboration help them realize that they can achieve any goal, vision, or dream by applying her 4-P Success Recipe...for those hungry for something more in life!

I have a BA in Advertising and Marketing from The University of Oklahoma, an Associates Degree in Hotel Management, and have been a LMT (Licensed Massage Therapist), Business Coach & Consultant, for over 20 years.

I have always been a true Entrepreneur at heart (I always had a side business, while in Corporate America). Also, every woman in my family has owned a business, I guess you can say it’s in my DNA!

I worked in the advertising industry for an agency in Norman, Oklahoma and a Oklahoma Newspaper right out of college before embarking upon a career in the hotel industry (I wanted to work in the hotel industry when I  was a little girl, and definitely after seeing Shari Belafonte on the television show HOTEL). I worked for The Marriott and Omni Hotel Corporations for 8 years, as a sales/marketing manager, before venturing out on my own in 1996 as an entrepreneur and successful business owner. I was also the facilitator and coach on various “Total Quality Action Teams” which focused on employee morale, increasing productivity and efficiency in the work environment, and improving communication between upper management and staff while employed in the hotel industry.

I am a true believer in people utilizing strengths to accomplish their objectives, instead of focusing on the weaknesses. According to The Strength Finder 2.0 test, my top 5 strengths are: Individualization, Strategic, Achiever, Connectedness, and Learner (I've taken the test twice, and with the exception of one change, the results were the same…wow!). By working with me, you will discover your top strengths and use them to map out your success roadmap.

I am a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Thriving Coaches, Leadership Texas Alumnae (Now known as Leadership Women) and a past workshop facilitator for The Institute of Economic Empowerment of Women, which mentors women business owners from Rwanda and Afghanistan on business related issues.

 I am extremely passionate about empowering young girls to discover their leadership voice and entrepreneurial skills within. I serve as the Advisory Board President & a Mentor for The Dream Angels Organization, which is a mentoring organization for girls’ grades 3-12. I have served as a mentor for “Girls Going Places” Entrepreneurship Program, and mentored high school senior girls in the Richardson School District through its Professional Internship Program. 

When not working I enjoy spending time with family and friends, organic gardening, listening to music, going to the movies (even a nice Netflix binge), playing my drums, reading spiritual and personal growth books and publications, mentoring young girls, thinking of business concepts (I can’t help it, as mentioned earlier, it's part of my DNA), playing racquetball and just “BEING instead of Doing.” I've discovered the joys of napping, even during the work week…it makes all the difference in the world.

This gives you a bit of a glimpse into me, and what makes me tick! Let me know how I can support you and/or your company with achieving your business goals and objectives as your coach or consultant. 





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