Granny Panties Be Gone - Bring on the Sexy!

By D' Forman for Take Flight Summit

My 50s – the age when I finally reconnected with my beautiful, comical and sensual sides as a woman. Ooftah! It took me long enough!

I guess I’ve been a kind of a practical woman my adult life. Underwear was a necessity used to protect my lady parts; compress those unwanted bumpy parts; to shed when you’re about to be intimate; and otherwise be ignored and forgotten.

Until, a couple of years ago I read the book, Paris Undressed The Secrets of French Lingerie, by Katherine Kemp Griffin. Lingerie – a bit of lace and silk – could change how I feel about myself? I wondered if the claims the author made were true? Was wearing lingerie really not about sex – which I wasn’t having anyway – but about feeling? Would I be more confident in my body and able to embrace the sensuality of life and love that French women seem to embody?

Yes to lingerie! Lingerie was the impetus for finding my authentic me again. I say again because as a teenager I felt the world was my oyster and I had a slapstick streak that kept me laughing all while wearing cute little bikini panties. What happened to that girl?

That girl put up her high times and bikinis and concentrated on building and running a company – obviously that was serious business and required serious undergarments. I was wrong, oh so wrong!

I can’t even describe how wearing the little bits of lace and silk in wonderfully beautiful colors with sexy details enhanced my attitude about myself and my body. Since ditching my practical underwear my life has blossomed. Can I attribute my change of attitude and circumstances alone to wearing something so sensual and luxurious? Probably not, but it started the metamorphosis.

So, at 59, I feel more authentically me – beautiful in my womanhood – with just the right amount of slapstick. If I can give you two pieces of advice, just try some elegant or sexy lingerie and go experience the wisdom of Patsy Sanders at Take Flight Summit. More than fashion, her words, “aligning your style from the inside out” and “finding the real authentic me – happy, joyous and free,” inspired this blog post. Then let me know how it makes you feel – confident in your own style, I hope!

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