Take Flight & Soar!

A blog for women 45 and over who aim to Thrive!

Dating after 45

Join Lisa for a brand new episode of  The Updraft, a podcast for women 45 and over who are aiming to live their best and most fulfilling life. 

This week's guest is Amy Jones and the topic is datin...

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Exploring Menopause

Introducing The Updraft, a podcast for women age 45+ who are experiencing life from a whole new perspective and could use a little lift for managing it all. 

Hi, I'm your host, Lisa Randolph. This ...

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Speaker Spotlight: Nickquolette Barrett

Become the CEO of Your Career and Thrive with a Career Mindset Shift

When you have an employee mindset, you are a worker bee. Worker bees fail to advance in their career and never reach their full ...

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Granny Panties Be Gone - Bring on the Sexy!

By D' Forman for Take Flight Summit

My 50s – the age when I finally reconnected with my beautiful, comical and sensual sides as a woman. Ooftah! It took me long enough!

I guess I’ve been a kind of...

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Speaker Spotlight: Lori Darley

Dancing Naked: Claiming Your Power as a Conscious Leader

Building on her own transformation from staring down the barrel of a rifle at Checkpoint Charlie to internationally-recognized dancer to exe...

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Speaker Spotlight: Leslie Wilson

What speaks to you about money? Is it making it? Keeping it? Saving for the future? Is it fear of not having enough in a crisis? Your preconceived subconscious financial thoughts can either attract ...

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Speaker Spotlight: Jill Allison Bryan

Magical Moments and Meaning In Minutes A Day

Have your own dreams and desires slipped to the bottom of your to-do list as you manage work, home, and community responsibilities? Do you want to recla...

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Speaker Spotlight: Dawnie Dahir

Is there a story bottled up inside you, impatient to be uncorked? Are you anxious to reap the healing benefits of getting it out there and out of your head?

In Dawnie Dahir’s interactive workshop, ...

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Speaker Spotlight: Christy Largent

This Take Flight Summit speaker is for you if you're ready to stop the negativity and embrace all the goodness ahead of you! Move your life forward with confidence and clarity using Christy’s positi...

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Intentionally Create Your Legacy

Every day you create emotional snippets that lead to the legacy by which others will remember you. The question is - what will that legacy be and does it reflect the best of you.

Capture Your Life S...

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