Speaker Spotlight: Dawnie Dahir

Is there a story bottled up inside you, impatient to be uncorked? Are you anxious to reap the healing benefits of getting it out there and out of your head?

In Dawnie Dahir’s interactive workshop, Writing Your Own Story, you'll learn the components of a good story, how to connect with your audience and the benefits you receive when you share the story that has helped shape you. Writing your own story is one of the best ways to get to know yourself. 

• Learn the components of a good story

• Gain tools that help you connect with your readers

• Reap the benefits by telling your story

Dawnie Dahir is a Personal Transformational Coach, inspirational speaker and author of two books, Let Me Give You A Whisper and Whispers of Change: Transforming into the Real You. Drop by her website

Learn more about Dawnie's Take Flight Workshop.

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