Take Flight & Soar!

A blog for women 45 and over who aim to Thrive!

Brain Fog

By D' Forman for Take Flight Summit

Cue the long, low drone of a foghorn!

For me, murky brain fog rolled in usually about an hour before the end of the workday. After years of running my...

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Starting Over Creating Traditions

By D' Forman for Take Flight Summit

Traditions in relationships, like always having a Halloween party or regularly taking portraits together, create lasting, easily-recalled memories. My...

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Iā€™m at the Best Age for Best Friends

By D' Forman for Take Flight Summit

I like my age – I’m 59. I now have time, some disposable money, no authority figure to monitor my activities (unless you’re a conspiracy...

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Speaker Spotlight: Amy Jones

The Heart of the Matter: Successful Midlife, and Beyond, Dating

Dating is challenging, but after divorce, death of a spouse, health issues and other situations, it can also be intimidating. Do you...

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Those Who Wander Are Not Lost

 By D' Forman for Take Flight Summit

Recently at a family reunion, Karen, my 68-year-old cousin, reacquainted herself with the family member who inspired her wanderlust. She remembers...

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Spotlight Speaker: Lauren Midgley

Mastering Communications to Those Who Matter

by D' Forman for Take Flight Summit

Do you struggle to meaningfully communicate with your most cherished family and friends? Do you wish you could make...

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