Speaker Spotlight: Amy Jones

The Heart of the Matter: Successful Midlife, and Beyond, Dating

Dating is challenging, but after divorce, death of a spouse, health issues and other situations, it can also be intimidating. Do you know what you want, need, have-to-have, and your deal-breakers in a partner and relationship?

Amy Jones’s workshop at the Take Flight Summit, The Heart of the Matter, will help you relearn how to date in a modern world to receive the love, connection and inspiration you desire by:

• Understanding the changing roles of men and women and how to establish more meaningful conversation, connection and satisfaction,

• Evaluating the differences between how men and women react and respond and how to effectively communicate wants and needs in a relationship, and

• Learning to create an environment of self-care and self-love and how to receive and give in a mutually beneficial and balanced dynamic.

Amy Jones is a midlife coach, author and international speaker. Pick up Amy’s book: Better for Being Broken.

Amy can be found online at TheAmyJones.com, or on Facebook and Instagram

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