Intentionally Create Your Legacy

Every day you create emotional snippets that lead to the legacy by which others will remember you. The question is - what will that legacy be and does it reflect the best of you.

Capture Your Life Story, Ann Ranson’s workshop at the Take Flight Summit, leads you to intentionally explore and decide your most powerful values and how you will entrust them as part of your ethical will. When you are purposeful about your legacy, you will have given those you care about a powerful gift.

• Explore the most common life regrets people experience.

• Learn ways to prepare for that time, no matter how many decades from now that may be.

• Experience the joy that can come from aging well when we allow it.

Ann Ranson, personal and business coach, works with women who want to get more out of life - more meaning, self-love, and peace of mind.

Ann can be found online at

Join us at the Take Flight Summit, Oct 19-20 in Dallas. Get your tickets while they last! 

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