Client Praise & Love

Iā€™m honored to be a part of everyone's journey listed on this page! Thank you for the kind words and love~ Lisa M. Randolph Your Kaizen Coach


~ Dear Lisa,

It gives me much pleasure to write this letter of recommendation. I can honestly credit most of the success I’ve achieved with Urban Village to you. It was your input that helped to establish this agency from ground zero to launch us with a good foundation.

You have proven time and time again to be a knowledgeable and capable consultant in the areas of strategic planning, goal setting, and personal coaching. I appreciate your work on various projects. The ones that come to mind most specifically include strategic planning work for Sweet Georgia Brown Frozen Foods and various account pitches to companies such as American Airlines and TXU.

Without a doubt, I will recommend your services to any company or individual in need of your knowledge, and some good old-fashioned business advice. Thank you very much for your contributions to my company over the years. It’s been my pleasure to work with you.

Wishing you much success in all that you set your mind and heart to.

Warm Regards,

Tony Scott, President of Urban Village Advertising

~ “Lisa is an excellent mentor, coach and business development leader. She is great at taking an idea or dream and helping you achieve it in the most efficient and effective manner possible. She is dedicated, tireless and reliable. She is also an excellent motivator. I would recommend her for any project that you need help with.” | N.F., Virtual Assistant, Owner Office Assistant Solutions

~ ” Lisa has offered great guidance to me in regard to personal and business development. She is a superb coach, mentor and business development expert. Her expertise has a wide range and she delivers with professionalism, humor and commitment. I have found Lisa to be an intelligent, organized, reliable, and motivating individual. She truly cares about people and desires the best outcome and success for them. I enthusiastically recommend Lisa for any project that would utilize her great and expansive skill set.” | S.S., Non Profit Management

~ “Lisa is a great mentor and life coach. Her business acumen will lead you and your organization to awesome results. Her intuition and enthusiasm about the growth of others is contagious. Her professional and caring approach is both soft and innovative. Lisa is an awesome business professional and powerful leader! I hear her voice each day asking me: “so, what have you done today to reach your goals?” If you’re ready for excellence, then Lisa is your person.” | D.D., Pastor at Church of the Solid Rock

~ “Thanks Lisa! Your insight, knowledge and experience have been invaluable to me and has helped bring my business to another level. You’re amazing! Thanks again Lisa!” | W.D., LMT, Owner Restore Your Function Medical Massage

~ “Through my sessions with Lisa we created a plan for transitioning out of my corporate job to self employment as a LMT and LPC, years after working with Lisa I remain self employed as a massage therapist and have be come a licensed professional counselor. I found the goal setting services provided to be very beneficial as I initiated change in my vocation. Choosing to make a career change affects many aspect of one’s life and can be quite scary. However, when a good strategy is developed and solid goals are set change becomes exciting vs. intimidating. I would highly recommend Lisa’s services for anyone who chooses to embrace a change in their life and become the person you choose to be.” | J.R., MA, LMT, LPC-I

~ “Lisa is very good at seeing the blind spots of your weakness and getting those areas of your business worked with or delegated. I recommend her as your coach and will continue to have her as a coach for me because I am jumping leaps and bounds since I have had her help me get to point A to point B” | B. L., BA, LMT, Owner Infinity Aroma Touch

~ “Lisa is an excellent role model of entrepreneurship. Meeting her has impacted my life for success” | S. W- Self-employed LMT

~ ” Thank you for your dedication to your profession. Also for the time and care of sharing with others that they may also have the opportunity to grow and prosper as you have done so well. You have given me many new avenues to look at and consider and I thank you for that. May God bless you and keep you in everyone’s life.” | E.C., LMT (Dallas, TX)

~ “Your class has enlightened me to business prospects and avenues I never knew were there. Thank you.” | C.D., LMT (Dallas, TX)

~ “You can’t help but be successful, when you follow Lisa’s Strategies for attracting and keeping clients.” | M. S., LMT

~ “I enjoyed Lisa’s professionalism-good reminders of business practices. I learned some very interesting things about organization, time management and how to be successful.” | Anonymous (Student at WSI)

~ “After graduating from massage school I attempted to set up my practice and very quickly realized that the city had ordinances from the dark ages. I was now aware of why there was not a single massage practice in the city. I was determined to establish my practice in the city I lived in. Over a period of several months, several City Hall meetings, and Planning & Zoning meetings and endless research and presentations (informing them about the benefits of massage and presenting facts that this was indeed a reputable business) these ordinances were changed. I was able to set up the first Massage Therapy office in my city.

My success with this undertaking was not achieved by my determination alone but it was completely dependent upon Ms. Randolph’s meticulous step-by-step coaching. I completed one of her workshops. This workshop should be a requirement for everyone who is serious about a career in massage therapy.” | P.N., LMT

~  “While providing assistance in starting my business, Lisa was great at keeping me on task.” | M. L., Potentia IT Solutions

Thank you for your time and consideration. I would love to add your testimonial to this list. Let’s get started today, and collaborate to make your goals and dreams a REALITY.

To Your Holistic Wealth, Health & Success~

Blessed Regards,

Lisa M. Randolph, Your Kaizen Coach

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