FAQ Coaching Questions

Never hired a coach before? Why would you want to?
How might you benefit from coaching? 

What is coaching?

Just as sport teams have coaches to guide them towards victory and success, individuals and companies have discovered they can also benefit from this same type of partnership.

A business and life coach listens to your goals, and dreams. Together you design plans (if you don’t already have one) which will help you achieve your objectives. If you already have a plan, your coach reviews it with you to make sure it is a solid and feasible, propelling you where you want to be in business or life in general.

A coach listens, observes, challenges and guides you, sometimes offering advice or an opinion but the ultimate decision is up to you on how you work and achieve your plan.

Why do people hire a business or life coach?

Every individual and business has their own personal reason for hiring a coach, following are the most typical reasons:             

  • To achieve Business or Professional Goals
  • To reach Personal Goals
  • To attain Financial Goals
  • To accomplish Fitness or well-being Goals
  • To fulfill Spiritual Goals

How will coaching benefit you?

Coaching offers many benefits:

  • Enhances your life or environment
  • Provides a clear roadmap with goals and strategies to ensure your success
  • Provides answers to a cluttered life or work environment
  • Improves your self-esteem
  • Gives you control of your business or personal destiny

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