YOUR Kaizen Coaching

Corporate & Small Business Services

We love working with Small Businesses (established or start-ups), and  Corporations with 500 employees or less.

Business Environment Coaching & Consulting

Whether your company is new or established, we are experienced in designing processes that meet your specific needs and help achieve results in the following areas:

  • Establishing or Modifying Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
  • Employee and Management Relations
  • Customer Satisfaction Services
  • Leadership and Organizational Development

Based on your needs and the area you want to focus on, we will come in and assess your current business environment. We will visit with you to determine what has worked in the past and what has not.

Schedule Your Complimentary Consulting or Coaching Session Now

Listed below are some of the observation tools and processes we use:

  • Workplace Investigations (to include employee surveys and interviews)
  • Focus Groups for Employees (Determine what they think about the work environment and what input they might have for improving the company or morale)
  • Employee and Management Coaching (individual and group)
  • Determine the most effective and productive meetings for your employees and management staff
  • Focus Groups for Current and Prospective Customers
  • Conduct Customer Surveys by e-mail or phone
  • Mystery Shopping Services (Let us act as a prospective customer in-person or over the phone, and share our experience with you. How are your employees interacting with the public, do you really know?)

Once our assessments are completed, a clear plan is established and presented to help your company achieve goals concerning the work environment, employee satisfaction, productivity, and client satisfaction.

 Other Services For Corporations and Businesses:

  • Mission Statement and Vision Statement Design
  • Goal Setting and Strategic Plan Design
  • Business Plan Design or Review
  • Recycling, Environmental Stewardship and Green-Team Coaching

Workshops and Seminars (2-4 hours):

  • The Basics of Marketing for Departments
  • Mission Statement and Vision Statement Design for Departments
  • Goal Setting and Strategic Planning for Departments
  • Effective Time Management for Departments
  • Effective Project Management for Departments
  • Stress Embracement (how to cope with daily stress in the workplace)
  • Customer Service Skills for a Thriving Business
  • Leadership Principles for Junior Managers
  • Utilizing “Strengths” to move the company forward


Based on your needs, the topics listed may be presented individually, or in any combination.
Contact us to discuss a customized program and pricing.

Contact Us Or Schedule Your Consultation Now

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