About Us

We are a group of women 45 and over who are finding our way in a new phase of life. One that is sometimes fraught with challenges and yet there are also extraordinary freedoms from old ways of thinking and being in the world. Lisa Randolph pulled us all together, inviting us to think about our own experiences and how we navigate our lives and in so doing how we might help others. 

We decided on a gathering, a Summit, the Take Flight Summit, made up of women like us, 45 and over, who are ready to raise our awareness about the changes we are experiencing while also living into our hopes and dreams of the future. What we've discovered along the way is remarkable support and resources for us to work with. We believe the best of our lives is ahead of us, living our legacy in full color. We hope you'll join us in this life adventure.

Meet Lisa Randolph, Co-Founder and the driving force of Take Flight Summit. The rest of the time she's CEO and Founder of Kaizen Endeavors and Your Kaizen Coach. Lisa is an entrepreneur who successfully left the corporate world over 20 years ago to create her own business in the Massage and Business Coaching Industries. Since then she has built not one but five successful businesses.

Coaching is her passions. She loves working with people committed to creating a business and life in harmony. Lisa is author of two books and offers workshops, retreats and other experiences to uplift and celebrate the fullness of life and business. You can find her at Kaizen Endeavors

Meet Deidra. She leads the Summit Bookstore committee. Entrepreneurship is part of her DNA. She is an Independent Legalshield Business Solutions Specialist and Owner of Your Nurse Advocates opening Fall 2019.  She is a Registered Nurse specializing in Cardiovascular Intensive Care, a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant, Owner of Affordable Assisted Living & Services, and a Faith Community Nurse.

She loves inspiring, educating and encouraging entrepreneurs. Her specialty is helping small business owners protect and grow their businesses with the backing of a reputable Law Firm at an affordable rate.  

She says, "I'm excited about the Take Flight Summit because being a part of something bigger than yourself is a fantastic feeling. My purpose is to inspire others to follow their dreams to make the world a better place." 

Meet Becky Griffin. She serves on Program Logistics, Sponsorship and Vendor/Swag Bag Committees. Residing in Dallas,Texas for many years, owning a small remodeling/decorative painting business,

Becky is back in her hometown now in southeastern New Mexico caring for an aging parent and working for an Environmental Remediation Company as a Staff Scientist.  Picking up what the oil companies are throwing down. She's active in her county and state politics serving on the State Central Committee.  She loves serving in capacities where she spots injustice and can help make someone’s life better.     

She says, "I’m so stinkin’ excited about the Take Flight Summit and honored to take part in the journey of working with incredible women to organize and facilitate this event and can hardly wait to spend time with a bunch of “Bad-Ass” women while we learn and teach one another.

Meet Doris Gale Deckard, a native Texan living in Dallas with her family. She's made her life all about service participating in workshops, seminars, symposiums, and conferences along with public speaking and poetry slams. She's a Partnered Ally with the University of North Texas Equality and Diversity Programs and has received many awards. 

She's traveled both locally and abroad, ministering, singing. and reaching others with her gospel message. She's Founder & Pastor of Church of the Solid Rock, Dallas and COO of D. G. Deckard Ministries, Inc. Doris is also a Sr Relocation Consultant in the Corporate Relocation Industry where she's served for over 20 years. To reach Doris for speaking engagements e-mail her at [email protected], find her online at www.crock4christ.org or follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. 

She says, “I'm excited about the Take Flight Summit because I get the chance to meet and collaborate with some of the most POWERFUL and dynamic “wisdom” this side of heaven!”

Meet Kim Schlossberg, is the Take Flight Summit marketing committee lead. Kim created her design firm in 2002 to help businesses and non-profits refine their messages and get them out to the right audience, in a clear, consistent, and integrated way.

Now she brings that same process to help people in a new stage of their career do the same for themselves. She helps them build platforms to share their personal and professional wisdom, and get it in front of people who need to hear it. Whether through a website, newsletter, in-person events, or any other medium, she helps you share the special wisdom that only you have to offer. You can reach her at https://kimmarla.com

She says, "I’m excited about the Take Flight Summit because … I’m looking forward to basking in the wisdom and energy of women like myself."

Meet Sherri Settles. She serves on the Program and Logistics committee and the Volunteers Committee. 

She says, "I'm excited about the Take Flight Summit because I believe it will be a powerful experience, leaving all involved refreshed and renewed!

Meet Pat Alva-Kraker. She serves on the Program/Logistics Committee. 

As a serial entrepreneur of three successful businesses in real estate, ranching and business wealth coaching, Pat has taken her valuable business lessons in helping mission driven women entrepreneurs scale their business with heart and spirit.

She supports clients through her Joy of Business Retreats, VIP days and group coaching. She is the author of the forthcoming book “Stop for a Hot Dog: 31 Soulful Practices for Women Entrepreneurs.You can reach her at www.majesticcoachinggroup.com.

She says, "I’m excited about Take Flight Summit because this event will impact a lot of women and move them forward in their lives."

Meet Shirley Staten. She serves on the Marketing/PR and Volunteers Committees. 

She has over 30 years of sales and customer service experience. Throughout her career, she has taken pride in recruiting and coaching individuals to achieve personal and professional goals. As a customer service and sales professional Shirley is committed to coaching small business owners and sales professionals to execute strategies that include customer service techniques to improve overall service levels, efficiencies and ultimately sales. You can reach her at https://advicoach.com/sastaten/

She says, "I'm excited about the Take Flight Summit because it gives women an opportunity to discuss and receive information on topics that impact us, all in one place.

Meet Tanya Conovaloff.  She serves as Chair of the Take Flight Volunteer Committee and is currently the Community Outreach Manager for JDRF, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. As a type 1 diabetic herself, this mission is personal near to her heart. She is able to meet newly diagnosed families, welcome them to the community and provide resources, education and support. Tanya considers this her dream job! Prior to working in non-profit, she worked in advertising and marketing. Tanya has been very active in an organization for empowering women called WomanWithin. She is in a long tern relationship of 22 years and shares her life with her cat Myrna.

She says, "I’m excited about  the Take Flight Summit because as a woman in this target age, I can see how many of my friends and I are facing new challenges and opportunities everyday. And I believe the most powerful way to tackle new circumstances is with others by my side. I look forward to learning from other women’s wisdom and experience and sharing my own." 


Meet Njideka Olatunde. She serves on the Volunteer Committee. 

Njideka is the visionary and creative energy behind Focus On Healing Wellness Institute, an accomplished Naturopath and Master Reflexologist with expertise in the cultural integration of non-traditional health care approaches for mind, body and emotional wellness. She is a recognized leader, pioneer and motivating authority on the integration of Reflexology with conventional and non-traditional healthcare practices as a medication and addictive-free pain relief alternative in addressing the opioid epidemic plaguing our communities. You can find her at www.reflexologyeducation.com.

She says, "I’m excited about the take flight summit because all the information, workshops and valuable connections will be the stepping stone to empower women in becoming the leaders, teachers and healers they are created to be leaving a legacy that will make a difference in the world."

Meet Tandy Slater.  She’s serving on the Marketing Committee, taking the lead on social media communications.

While Tandy was born in Fort Worth Texas she lived abroad in Paris, France until her middle school years when she returned to Texas. She graduated from University of Texas with a BFA in Art and a Master’s in Education.

Tandy is owner of a consulting corporation for human resources, sales, and marketing, a full service company for all human resources department development. She has expertise in all aspects of human relations from strategic market planning and leadership development to recruitment management to mediation and conflict resolution.

She says, “I’m excited about Take Flight Summit because this will be a great opportunity for the women in Texas that are 45 and older to realize that we are the largest and strongest group of women today.  Age is just a number.

Meet Freda Blake. She has a heart & passion for inspiring, encouraging as well as connecting women of all ages and all walks of life. She's excited about the possibility to meet and celebrate other women at the "Take Flight Summit" 2019.  

Mrs. Blake, is a seasoned Travel  & Customer Service Industry professional with over 25 years of experience.  
Volunteering with the Women's Ministry at her church has broadened her experiences and knowledge in working in this capacity.  It brings her so much joy!! Helping Women recognize gifts & talents while being able to witness them "Living their Best Life" .

Meet D’ Forman.  She began her graphic design and marketing business at age 23 and ran it for 30 years. After selling her business, Michaels corporate office beckoned and she ended up doing what many would give a left eyetooth to do – Manager of Creative Projects – basically she was a professional crafter with access to all of Michaels’ product, resources and vendors. Yes, it was her dream job because she's crafted since she was a 9-year-old kid in 4-H.

Her husband, died in October of 2017, after 33 years of marriage. Since that day her life has been at times still, lonely, unorganized, frenzied, muddled, scary, thoughtful, exciting, loving, fun, uncertain and hopeful! And now she's a blogger! She started her blog, Herheyday.com to talk about what she's experienced and what she's found that helped, and that she's found a rainbow. In Her Heyday she hopes to let you know "that whatever your story is, there’s a rainbow for you, too."



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