A "Take Flight Summit" Exclusive

Legacy Book Writers Mastermind

Calling Women Age 45+ desiring to "Leave Your Legacy" through sharing your story.
It's time to get that book out of your heart's mind and into the world.

Next Mastermind September 10th, 2024 - June 24, 2025 (Registration Is Now Open)


Have you wanted to write your story and didn't know how to get started? 

Have you tried to write your story and gotten stuck?


Are you an expert in a niche area and wish to share your knowledge with others?

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.

--Maya Angelou

All The Tools, Support, and Guidance you need to write and publish your story

 Take Flight Summit is offering an exclusive 10-month Mastermind Program for you to develop and write your legacy story.  Group size is limited to 12 women. This group is designed to be safe, supportive, structured, encouraging, and provides the accountability you'll need to finally make your book a reality. How long have you been trying or thinking about writing your story?

Now is the perfect time. Just begin.

True alchemists don't change lead into gold;
they change the world into words.

Outcomes & Takeaways

  • Gain clarity on your book ideas and set goals
  • Get organized and map out your book
  • Establish dedicated, structured writing time to reach your goals
  • Group and individual coaching on your challenges with the writing process 
  • Engage with your accountability sister to support your success 
  • Access resources to help you produce, format, market and promote your book 
  • Learn from MasterClass experts on specific aspects of the writing experience 
  • Develop a powerful and effective promotion plan for your book 
  • Appear as a guest on the Updraft Podcast for Women Age 45+ 
  • Place your book in the Take Flight Summit Bookstore
  • Get a book cover, bookmark, and author sheet designed specifically for your book

If you can't shake the desire to complete your book and it's all you can think about, it's time to take action. You've come to the right place.

How Often & What's included:

  • 10-month Program - September 10, 2024 - June 24, 2025 (4:30pm-6:00pm CST)
  • Intimate Setting - Limited to 12 participantsĀ 
  • Bi-weekly 90-minute group Zoom (recorded)
  • Sister Assignment with 1-2 participants (meeting in breakouts to support each other's work and write)Ā 
  • Monthly individual 20-minute coaching session with Lisa and Pat
  • Human Design Reading and Report with Pat
  • Vision Board Session for your book with Lisa
  • Opportunity to present your work as a Spotlight Read
  • A weekly group update in our private Facebook Group

Your Coaches, Lisa M. Randolph and Pat Alva-Kraker are experienced authors, writing and publishing five books.
2 are Amazon Bestsellers.

[To leave your legacy] either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. 

--Benjamin Franklin

One-Time Payment Option

(investment: $8,295)

Make a one-time payment for the full ten-month program and save 10% ($829.50). Rather than pay $8,295.00, your investment will be $7,465.50. To get started, complete the questionnaire at the link below. At the end of the questionnaire, you can choose one-time payment option.Ā 

Let's get started!

Payment Plan Option (investment: $8,295)

Choose the payment plan option to make ten monthly payments of $854.39 (includes 3% installment fee).Ā To get started, complete the questionnaire at the link below. At the end of the questionnaire, you will choose payment plan option.Ā 


Let's get started!

Mastermind Purpose- The goal and purpose of this group is to facilitate, support and coach you to complete your manuscript. You will also be provided with professional contacts and resources to help you become a published author. Please note that there will be additional investments you will need to make beyond the manuscript, such as: editing, publishing, marketing collateral, website design. We will discuss the additional cost during our time together.

Waiting List - Should the Legacy Book Writers Mastermind fill to capacity before you get in but after you make the purchase, your money will be promptly refunded and your name will be put on a waiting list for the next class. You'll be notified as soon as the class dates are confirmed. 

Refunds - We believe in our Legacy Book Writers Mastermind and We believe in you. Therefore we're certain that if you do the work, you will get solid results. Should you decide to ask for a refund, we will require that you submit all completed work along with your request. Cancellation requests must be made within the first 60 days of the program. After 60 days, there will be no refunds unless it is for a drastic or life-threatening situation and will be considered on a case by case basis. This also applies to payment plan arrangements.

Be one of the 12 legacy writers: Save your Spot Now!

If you have a book in you but need structure, encouragement, guidance and a splash of accountability, this MasterMind is for you! Space is limited. 

Let's do this!