Take Flight Summit Online Bookstore

Our Online Bookstore is filled with books by women and for women, age 45 and over, eager to learn, live, and thrive.

The Story of The Three Little Divas:
Reach Your Money Goals in 3 Steps

Author: Brandy Baxter
A fun story about
three sisters and their money personalities. An easy way for women to start the conversation about their money goals. It's a workbook that encourages the reader to discover her money personality while learning about the Divas.

Brandy Baxter is the owner of Living Abundantly, a financial education and coaching company where she partners with families who are ready to live an abundant financial life. She has witnessed families realize their financial dreams. She’s an Air Force veteran, a dynamic speaker, executive coach and trainer. This book represents her reaching one of her personal goals.

The book is available in both paperback and kindle formats at Amazon

Education, Learning, Finances/Legal Concerns, Health, Wellness, Self-care

Powerful Beyond  Belief

Author: LaDondra Hervey
Powerful Beyond Belief
offers readers a clear-cut plan to shift your mindset and motivate you to live your true purpose. It was written to provide women of faith with a Biblically based framework that equips her to overcome the limiting beliefs that prevents embracing true power and purpose as an entrepreneur.

LaDondra Hervey is an Author, Keynote Speaker, Certified Belief Therapist and Soul Alignment Business Coach who empowers women of faith to create richly rewarding businesses. Using proven strategies, she helps women overcome the barriers that keep them disconnected from their true calling. LaDondra transforms businesses through her retreats, one-to-one and group coaching programs by equipping entrepreneurs with the tools to grow and to align with their higher purpose. Visit her website Soul Alignment Coach.

The book is available in both paperback and kindle formats at Amazon

Spiritual or Inspirational, Career, Business, Entrepreneurship, Legacy

Mindful Aging; Embracing Your Life After 50 to Find Fulfillment, Purpose, and Joy

Author: Andrea Brandt
Don't let the ominous perception of "aging" take control of you and your life. You have the power to change how you grow older. This book shows you how. Full of exercises and tools to help you embrace a new mindset and blaze a new trail in your life fueled by passion, purpose, and creativity. C
laim the immense joy and love that are yours to have, the deep wisdom that is yours to share, and the exciting self-discoveries and contributions that are uniquely yours to make.

Dr. Brandt is a marriage and family therapist in Santa Monica California with over 40 years of clinical experience. In her work, Dr. Brandt reveals positive paths to emotional health that teach you how to reinvent and empower yourself, emphasizing the mind-body-heart connection as key to mental, physical and emotional wellness. Her books are available in multiple formats on Amazon.  

Psychology/Mental wellness, Spiritual or Inspirational, Relationships (of any type), Health, Wellness,  Self-Care


101 Uplifting Stories for Daily Happiness

Contributing Author: Kandice Den
Are you ready to jump out of the fishbowl? Are you tired of what you’ve been swimming in? Do you want to be inspired? If you are experiencing a transition in your life, this is the perfect book for you. The 101 articles in this book guide you through personal stories to overcome the challenges we all face. The authors are teachers, coaches, and those who have made it their mission to inspire the world with their wisdom. You can learn more about Kandice on her website Be the Light Coaching

 Inspirations is available on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle formats. 

Inspiration, wellness, self-care


It's 6 a.m. & I'm Already Behind!
30 Strategies to Get Caught Up in a Crazy-Busy World! 

Author: Lauren Midgley
Getting caught up every day is a goal for many, but may not easily be achieved. Likely, we are overwhelmed by all that still needs to be done. Leaders know that an anxious, overwhelmed team impacts profits, but more importantly, it impacts engagement and well-being.

This book contains 30 easy to follow strategies for getting caught up.

Lauren Midgley provides examples to help the reader understand how to implement in their life.   AMP up your productivity NOW!  

You can learn more about Lauren HERE. Get your book directly from Lauren or purchase on Amazon in paperback or kindle format. 

Business, career, how-to, motivation


Whispers of Change
Transforming Into the Real You

Author: Dawnie Dahir
Can you hear the whispers? All around you are whispers of different ways that show you how to become the magnificent person of your dreams. Since change is inevitable, understanding the whispers will help you make great decisions for your life irght here and now. By reading and following the guidance given in this book, you will take yourself on a self-discovery journey of recognizing that anything and everything is absolutely possible. Learn more about Dawnie's work on her website.

Available on Amazon in Paperback and Kindle formats.

Inspirations, transformation, self-help


Let Me Give You a Whisper 

Author: Dawnie Dahir
Let Me Give You a Whisper came from a mother's heart
To let children know that they are a wonderful part
Of a beautiful world, of a world that can be
All that they dream of and that they hold the key.

Let Me Give You a Whisper is a book about love,
The love that is heaven sent, the love from above.
The love that you have had ever since the day you were born,
Is the love that will never leave you but greets you every morn ...

Available on Amazon in both Paperback and Kindle formats. 

Children's book


Do It First

Author: Adele J. Foster-Glenn 
Thinking of starting the journey into entrepreneurship but not really sure where to start? Adele Foster-Glenn can help you with her roadmap to entrepreneurship so you can do it first, do it right, do it better, do it now. 

Available on her website at Aquarius Creations Publishing.

Entrepreneurship, personal development, business.

The Healthy Woman
Inside and Out

Author: Adele Foster-Glenn

The Health Woman: Inside and Out by Adele J. Foster. “Adele has mapped
out a plan of action that the reader can begin doing immediately!
Empowerment starts on page one and continues to the very last page.

The Healthy Woman: Inside And Out" was written to help individuals breakthrough self-imposed barriers and literally pull you in a magnetic direction to achieve and apply the five principles in your life of Spirituality, Love and Family, Education, Emotions and Psychology.

Available from her website at Aquarius Creations Publishing

Personal development, holistic living.

You're Hired! 
Ten Tips to Rock Out Your Resume and Land an Interview

Author: Nickquolette Barrett
This book will give you the tools and tips you need to write a résumé worthy of a recruiters time. It only takes a recruiter 6 seconds to decide if our résumé goes into the "call" pile or the trashcan. Follow the tips in this book written by a stellar résumé writer and watch you land an interview in no time!

You can learn more about Nickquolette's work on her website. Her book is available on Amazon

Career, business

The Field Guide to Sales:
The All Weather, All Terrain Guide to Selling!

Author: Debbie Mrazek 
It’s like a GPS and machete to help you burst through the jungle of what’s holding you back from complete sales mastery!

Tired of the uphill battle to gain new clients? Worn out from constantly running in circles to get everything done and feeling like you are accomplishing nothing? Exhausted from wishing there were more than 24 hours in a day. Frazzled and fed up of your boss nagging you to meet some “pie in the sky” goal?

This book lays out a better way. Learn more about the author HERE. You can find Debbie's book on Amazon or at her website, The Sales Company

Sales, Business, 

Dancing Naked
Claiming Your Power as a Conscious Leader

Author: Lori Darley
Lori Darley has dedicated her life to embodying the fullest and most authentic expression of the human experience, both through her continuing commitment to the arts and through her current work as a leadership and high performance coach. She guides clients through a process called "The Clearing"—a personal development framework that allows participants to open channels for previously undiscovered insight and action. In Dancing Naked, Lori shows how she herself opened such channels despite—and even because of—seemingly insurmountable blocks in her own life and, as a result, arrived at the set of practices she works with today.

Building on her experience as an internationally recognized dancer and armed with her characteristic humor and wit, Lori uses Dancing Naked to guide leaders onto the road toward their most brilliant selves. Her book is available on Amazon in both Paperback and Kindle formats. Learn more about Lori's work on her website, Conscious Leaders.

Personal Development, leadership

Project Manager Training System: 7 Skills to Efficiently Manage Projects on Time

Author: Sherry Prindle

Managing projects effectively and on time can be tough. But how would you like a system to manage several projects at once, and bring in all of them on time and on budget? What if you could clearly identify your priorities and consistently meet your deadlines? What if factoring in your hard-won wisdom and keenest insights suddenly became systematic for you? How would you like to have more work/life balance, and even be able to go home on time? It's no pipe dream - now you can! Project Manager Training System will teach you techniques that make strategic planning a breeze. Using this tightly honed process to systematically factor tasks into your daily work schedule, you can be sure that all your projects meet your organization's biggest goals.

Learn more about Sherry's work on her website. The audible book is available on Amazon.

Project management, business, management

31 Positive Communication Skills
Devotional for Women

Author: Christy Largent
Are you tired of miscommunication mix-ups? Do you wish you could speak easily with confidence and style? Christy Largent has learned that positive communication works! In fact, there are specific ways you can improve your communication skills so that you can get the results you want. In the devotional 31 Positive Communication Skills for Women, you will find christian devotionals packed with encouraging words to help you strengthen your interpersonal communication style in order to convey your authentic message every time; establish business communication strategies that will help you be taken seriously and professionally; handle difficult conversations with skill, finesse and perfect timing; avoid communication sabotage; stop being misunderstood and start communicating with confidence.

Learn more about Christy on her website. Her book is available in Paperback and Kindle editions on Amazon

Devotional, self-care

Reflect, and Recharge, Reign 

Author: Pamela Benson Owens
Today it seems like we are all so busy. The pace of life feels like a sprint and if you are like me, you find yourself running behind life trying to not catch a stitch in your ribs that leaves you breathless. Let me say upfront that the idea of writing this weekly devotional gave me pause for a few years. I didn’t want to be a hypocrite who encourages people to be more mindful, to slow down and learn to say no sometimes to practice self-care, but then I realized this book is indeed a form of self-care. Somewhere along the way, we’ve stopped giving ourselves permission to slow down and think. We are required to have just the right answers and have them quickly. I think this is what has gotten us in trouble. We’ve stopped thinking, pondering, reflecting, and we’ve replaced it with reacting, judging, and not listening. So as a form of self-care, I would like to propose that just once a week you stop, sip and percolate.

Learn more about Pamela on her website. Her book is available on Amazon

Devotional, Self care 

Network Like a Millionaire  

Author: Rose Colarossi
Her newest book, Network Like a Millionaire, is soon to be released, sign up to receive notice on her website

Rose has also contributed to two other books: 

Dare to Be a Difference Maker, Vol 6 

Behind Her Brand, Entrepreneur Edition, Vol 1. 

Learn more about Rose on her website.

Entrepreneurship, business, networking

G. O. A. L. I. E.
Grafting Objectives Around Longevity in Entrepreneurship

Author: Collette Portis

Designed to track the success of high performing entrepreneurs, G.O.A.L.I.E is a 52-week strategic planning guide that assists entrepreneurs with developing a daily plan that both defines and leads them on the path to success. Many entrepreneur’s struggle with growing their business, tracking their progress, and developing the system that moves them from owning their job to owning the processes and standard operating procedures that allows them to streamline the business and duplicate themselves. This guide includes the 12 areas of business each owner should impact each day. These areas include personal development, marketing, branding, finance, and much more.

Learn more about Collette on her website. Her book is available on Amazon along with the G.O.A.L.I.E. Tactical Planner

Entrepreneurship, business, strategic planning

You Have to Laugh to Keep From Crying:
How to Parent Your Parents  

Author: Charlotte Canion 
Up till now, you have dealt with life with grace and style, learning from the mistakes you’ve made along the way. You’ve raised your children and enjoyed a successful career. Now, though, you face the challenge of a lifetime, one that may have you feeling like you’ve suddenly been tossed in the deep end of the pool. Sometimes, parenting your parents can be an overwhelming task, one that has you struggling to keep your head above water.

In this book, you will find the permission to laugh, to cry, and to make mistakes. You will also find the strength and encouragement to get up and repeat the cycle, all the tools you need to face the new challenge of parenting your parents!

You can find her book on  Amazon or go to her website

Gerontology, wellness, 

Better for Being Broken 

Author: Amy Jones

Stressed, overwhelmed, neglected, out of balance…broken and shattered into a million pieces. Amy went through all that and more. When you’re going through these things, it can feel like you’re alone but it's part of the process; a process that we all go through.  And we don't see it all until we've reached a midlife transition. 

This book shares her experiences; the dark secrets she was carrying and the courage she found to move beyond feeling broken, overwhelmed and distressed. It is her hope that this book helps you on the road to your own personal healing.

You can learn more about Amy and get a copy of her book on her website

Personal Growth and Development, Inspiration

Your Pot of Gold Is A Handshake Away:
A Step by Step Plan to Quickly Grow Your Business Through Referrals

If you are a business owner, entrepreneur, or anyone responsible for driving new clients to your business, don't just read this book -- make it an integral part of your business life, devour the concepts, and memorize the portions that resonate with you. 

This book reveals concepts that can literally change your life. You will learn powerful strategies for "pulling" new clients toward you, rather than "pushing" them with the same old sales tactics. 

An amazingly Powerful het Simple Strategy for Building a Business Based on Referrals. The book is available in both Kindle and Paperback versions on Amazon

You can learn more about Linda on her website or join her at Tough Talk Radio Network for her show titled All Things Franchising Radio.


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