Take Flight Virtual Mini Summit March 20, 2021

A virtual bite-sized event, held monthly, on topics by and for women age 45 and beyond.

Take Flight Virtual Mini Summits are bite-sized events - smaller versions of our full day summits. The pace of our lives and Covid-19 makes it challenging to meet in person. But with the Virtual Mini Summits you get a brief, intense time to focus on your own growth and development, what we refer to as self care.  Virtual Mini Summits offer small bites of content supporting learning, application and practice. You get dynamic, accomplished speakers, engaging content and ample opportunity to connect with a mighty network of women just like you! 

Health, Wellness & Self Care

March 20, 2021 Program

10:00 am Opening/Welcome with your host, Lisa Randolph

10:15 am Appearance Matters: Becoming Your Best Self from the Inside Out
with Patsy Sanders, Image Stylist Coach

10:50 am Break

11:00 What Energy Do You Emit By The Colors You Wear? Let’s find out!
Bring a couple of outfits that you Love To Wear, or your favorite go-to outfits or something you are curious about wearing.

Noon Wrap Up, Give-a-Ways & What's Next

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